
Host organism: Zea mays (Maize)
Zea Mays photo

herbicide tolerance (glufosinate)

Project title: 
Zea mays; the use of glufosinate-ammonium against typical weed species under Belgian agricultural practices using a glufosinate-ammonium tolerant crop
Year(s) of release: 
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
Effective year(s) of release: 
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
Period of release: 
In 1999: Bierbeek, Aalter, Runkelen, Tiegem, Louvain-la-Neuve, Lovenjoel, Enghien, Thines
Total surface: 
In 1999: 6.100 m2
Containment measures: 

All possible measures will be taken to avoid the dispersion of the transgenic plants and the reproductive material of these transgenic plants. Plants are harvested before flowering. The vegetative material will be destroyed at the end of the trials.

Monitoring measures: 

Treatments will be applied to control volunteer plants.


- The Biosafety Advisory Council a.i. issued a positive advice (with conditions) for this field trial.- Authorization procedure completed. The notifier was granted authorization from the Federal Minister to perform the trial.

Type of procedure: 
Simplified procedure (continued) - Art. 9§3 of Royal Decree of 18 December 1998

The trangenic line T25 has granted since August 1998 market approval under Directive 90/220/EEC. Material from this line can be used in feed.


There are no documents available for this field trial.