G-TwYST Final Conference

maandag, 16 april, 2018 (Hele dag)

G-TwYST (Genetically modified plants Two Year Safety Testing) and GRACE (GMO Risk Assessment and Communication of Evidence), two European Commission funded research projects, and GMO90+, a research project financed by the French government, conducted short and long term feeding trials with GM maize NK603 and MON810. The studies were to constitute a base on which to develop guidance on the conduct and analysis of 90-day subchronic toxicity, 1-year chronic toxicity and 2-year carcinogenicity studies and to comparatively evaluate their value for GMO risk assessment. The three projects included extensive stakeholder engagement activities.
More information about the projects is available at the G-TwYST website, the GRACE website and the GMO90+ website.

The aim of this conference is to present general conclusions and recommendations from the feeding studies and discuss the challenges in performing and analysing toxicity and carcinogenicity studies, as well as possible ways forward.

Bratislava, Slovak Republic