Search the database for deliberate release of GM plants

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
EU record number Company/Institution Host organism Project title Trait
B/BE/18/V8 VIB Maize Scientific field evaluation of maize with an impaired DNA-repair mechanism and maize with modified growth characteristics

Maize plants edited using the CRISPR/Cas9 system resulting in a single base pair mutation in either the ALT gene (that plays a role in the repair of DNA damage) or the NGAL2 gene (a transcription factor that has been shown to negatively affect the expression of the PLA1 gene coding for a cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase enzyme).

B/BE/02/V1 Plant Research International Apple tree Testing of genetically modified apple trees with enhanced resistance to fungi

fungal disease resistance (scab, mildew, fruit tree canker)

B/BE/02/VW4 Aventis CropScience Oilseed rape Field evaluation with genetically modified pod shatter resistant oilseed rape

pod shatter resistance, herbicide tolerance (glufosinate)

B/BE/02/V5 Aventis CropScience Maize Evaluation of new insect tolerant corn lines

insect resistance (European corn borer), herbicide tolerance (glufosinate/glyphosate)

B/BE/02/WSP6 Warcoing-Chicoline Chicory Selection program of glufosinate tolerant chicory lines and families in view of the production of new synthetic varieties and tolerant hybrids

herbicide tolerance (glufosinate)

B/BE/02/V3 Advanta/SES Europe Sugar beet Validation of a concept of long-term resistance to the rhizomania virus (beet necrotic yellow vein virus, BNYVV): field experimentation of sugar beet genetically modified to be resistant to rhizomania.

virus resistance (rhizomania virus: beet necrotic yellow vein virus, BNYVV), herbicide tolerance (glufosinate and bialaphos)

B/BE/96/VSP13a Aventis CropScience (AgrEvo) Sugar beet Beta vulgaris; study on the aspects of a future commercial introduction of glufosinate tolerant sugar beet in Belgian croptechnical and regulatory conditions

herbicide tolerance (glufosinate)